Competitors including unconfirmed entries
Mikulášský western 2023, Lišov, 49°01'22.1, 2. 12. 2023
InformationSASS Number/Shooters ID / Club Number | Alias | Country | Paid |
106112/25 | Camel | SK | NO |
999331/331 | Carlos de la Villa | CZ | NO |
9999107/107 | Chosé Calamity man | CZ | NO |
68952/196 | Elise Horn | CZ | NO |
888007/7 | Guru | SK | NO |
888073/73 | Malvíno | SK | NO |
999198/198 | Sherman | CZ | NO |
999424/424 | Zubák | CZ | NO |
Sum of all orders: 8
Sum of registered competitors: 0
Waiting for payment: 8