Competitors including unconfirmed entries
Souboj u O.K. Corral 2023, Pelhřimov, N 49°24.39662', E 15°12.89285', 23. 9. 2023
InformationSASS Number/Shooters ID / Club Number | Alias | Country | Paid |
999539/539 | Billy the Kid cz | CZ | NO |
57512/321 | Blonde Rocky | CZ | NO |
999387/387 | Buky | CZ | NO |
999331/331 | Carlos de la Villa | CZ | NO |
87058/400 | Colbert | CZ | NO |
999373/373 | Colonel | CZ | NO |
999319/319 | Homer | CZ | NO |
507999 | Honzík | CZ | NO |
999422/422 | Horn Beetle | CZ | NO |
100997/482 | Joe Loco | CZ | NO |
73504/369 | John | CZ | NO |
999514/514 | Karel | CZ | NO |
999508/508 | Little Lena | CZ | NO |
106106/474 | Sean | CZ | NO |
999198/198 | Sherman | CZ | NO |
999465/465 | Slimjack | CZ | NO |
86514/443 | Steel Hand | CZ | NO |
999507/507 | Učitel | CZ | NO |
Sum of all orders: 18
Sum of registered competitors: 0
Waiting for payment: 18